Westworld (Season 3) – TPToA Podcast 171

Reader Rating0 Votes
Stunning visuals and sumptuous production design brings the future to vibrant life
Amazing story with characters we really give a shit about
Interesting new characters added to the mix keep the show fresh and surprising
The "villain" of the piece is a conceptual idea that is hard to have strong feelings about
The uncertain timeline stuff of Season 2 is replaced with multiple copies of characters here
Some characters get short narratively changed and their emotional resolutions lack weight

We reviewed Season 1 of Westworld in Episode 7 of the podcast, now 164 episodes later we are returning to Sweetwater to look back over Seasons 2 & 3. Then it’s time for us to start our private A.I.s prognostication subroutines, asking it to look ahead into what Season 4 may hold for us. Have the intervening 4 years been kind to the HBO big budget Sci-Fi or have we seen a decline in quality that will see less violent delights and more underwhelming ends?

Our Hosts, Dion and Quinny are joined by by the wonderfully human Jill and Peta to discuss the ongoing saga of Dolores Abernathy, (Evan Rachel Wood), Maeve Millay (Thandie Newton) and the Theme-Park escapees that (unlike Jurassic Park) only want to make the world a better place.

Thanks to all the live viewers who chimed in as a part of this podcast; we look forward to seeing more of you at the #TPToA Twitchstream each Tuesday night (AEST) as we record via Zoom in the time of Coronavirus.